Friday, August 21, 2009

I Want My Privacy

Ever since Joshua was a newborn, we have had a monitor on him to watch/listen to him as he naps and sleeps. What parent doesn't? As he got a little older, we realized that we didn't need it turned on all night long, so we turned it off while we slept. (Besides, when it was on all night, sometimes a little static would come through. So that affected our sleep). However, we kept his door and our door open, so if he started crying or woke up, we would hear him anyway.

As Joshua got older, he got smarter and started to understand a lot more of what is going on around him. This includes a camera shining on his crib for "big brother" to watch him. The camera is on his bureau next to his bed. Unfortunately, the camera isn't able to capture the whole crib. There is about 1/4 of the crib that we can not see in the monitor. I think Joshua knows this. Every night when he goes to sleep, he sleeps in that little area of the crib where we can't see him. How does he know? I guess he just wants some privacy too. Soon, Joshua wanting his privacy will be a common occurance.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pizza, Cookie

Joshua understands what we are saying when we talk to him. I ask him to go get something or put on/take off his shoes, etc... and he does it. (Well, most of the time. Yet, when he doesn't do it, it is because he is being stubborn and not because he doesn't understand). Often times, I ask Joshua what he wants for breakfast or dinner. His answer "pizza. cookie". I know his language is a bit limited on the menu choices, but anytime I ask what he wants, his answer is always "pizza. cookie". I guess he takes after daddy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

23 Months

One month to go and then we will no longer keep track of Joshua's age in months. Bittersweet. On the one hand, it is nice to not have to try to keep track of how many months he is at that point. On the other hand, it is sad that my baby is growing up.
Up until this point, we have not gotten Joshua's haircut. For the longest time, he hardly had any hair. Then, all of a sudden, it grew so fast. He now has tons and tons of curls. Some days the hair has beautiful curls. Other days, it looks like a bird nest. We are trying to wait until he is 2 years old before a haircut. I am not sure why. We are almost there.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Not Joshua's diaper this time. I am talking about his vocabulary. It seems in just the past few weeks, his language skills have grown exponentially. It is not just adding words to his vocabulary, but it is actually formulating thoughts and short sentences. We have always been impressed with how many words he knew at 18 months, but now it is more than just pointing to different objects and hearing Joshua name the object in his oh-so cute way. There are verbs and progressive verbs, adjectives too. The new progressive verb "pooping". Yes, Joshua likes to tell us when he is pooping. Great for potty training. If only it was always true. He will say "pooping" and we will run him to the potty and absolutely nothing happens. Then other times he will say "pooping all done". Darn, we missed it. He picked up an object today and said "heavy". Then, later in the day, he wripped some toilet paper and said "broke it". He is also picking up on music. He sings "E I E I O" with "Old McDonald". When he hears, "If you're happy and you know it..." he follows along with the instructions. I guess now we really need to watch what we say in front of him, because he is definitely able to pick up new words and concepts quickly.