Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sorry Bubby

The first night in Florida not only did Josh sleep through the night, but he didn't wake up until 8:30am. I guess Josh knows he is on vacation too. :)

My grandmom came over for our traditional Sunday brunch, which consists of lox and bagel. She was excited to see Josh again, and I gave her as much holding time as possible. Unfortunately, maybe it was a little too much holding time.

Babies poop. Anywhere at anytime. Babies poop. More times than not, it isn't much of a problem, even if the baby poops when sitting on your lap. Today, my my grandmom was not so lucky. Josh pooped on his Bubby Evelyn. When I say that Josh pooped on her, he really did. It was the biggest explosion ever. I have never seen him poop so much. It got all over him and grandmom. I am not sure much of it stayed in the diaper at all.

Sorry Bubby!

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