Monday, December 10, 2007

The Black Plague

Some people are scared of babies in public and act as if they have the Black Plague. My parents, especially my mom, are not immune. One little "eh" from Josh in public, and my mom freaks out. The first night in Florida, we went to my mom's friend's house party. My mom said, "one little peep, and you're outta there". At first, my mom was afraid to go out to dinner with him. I had to plead with her that it really was ok. At the restaurant, my mom would ask for a table in the way back far away from everyone. I did feel like I had some sort of disease. It was really annoying. The trick is to take him out right after he is fed and changed. Then, he is an angel. If he fusses at all (Joshua is a baby, and babies fuss and cry), a pacifier makes a great "mute button". By the end of the trip, I do think my parents relaxed a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not thrilled with the Black Plague paragraph describing me as freaking out. Not true.