Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Let's Go to the Movies
I have always liked going to the movies. Unfortunately, it is not something that I get to do very often. Now having Josh, it is even harder to be able to go. My cousin, Jeni, is on winter break this week, so she asked if Josh and I wanted to go with her and Maya to the movies. Maya is 2 years old, so we went to see the kiddie movie, Enchanted. The key to bringing a baby to a movie is timing. My plan was to change the baby in the bathroom, and then sit down at my seat, put on my nursing cover, and feed Josh during the first part of the movie and have him nap for the second part of the move, and then change him when the movie was over. What you need to know about babies, and I have learned is that they don't really like to stick to a plan. The first part of the plan - changing his diaper - the movie theater bathroom does not have a baby changing station. OK, plan B, change him on the floor on his changing pad. Yuk. The second part of the plan - feeding Josh during the movie - Josh didn't really want to wait until we got settled in our seats, and he started to fuss a little bit. However, I did feed him, and then put him back in his car seat, and he was calm and quiet for the first half of the movie. Then, I heard the explosion. Ut oh, Josh pooped and now he is starting to fuss and wants to be changed. I walked to the back of the theater where there were no people and changed him on the floor there. This was a carpeted area, so I think it ended up being better than the bathroom floor. After, I changed his diaper, Josh was quiet and took a nap for the rest of the movie. It was a cute movie, and I would try to do that again, but being able to take Josh anywhere at any time is slowly diminishing.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Joshua's First Night in the Crib
Last night Josh spent his first night in his crib in his room. Up until now, he has been sleeping in our room in his bassinet. Joshua slept all the way through the night until 5am. He usually sleeps until about 6 or 6:30am, but since it was new surroundings for him, 5am was good. Originally, I thought that we would put him in the crib much earlier. But, we liked having him in the room with us and didn't want to let go. I know as he gets older there is going to be many more letting go. Our baby is growing up so fast....
Friday, December 21, 2007
Josh Laughs
Josh laughed today for the first time. It is a real cute laugh. I can't wait to hear it all the time. Just like his beautiful smile, it is infectious.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Joshua's First Photo Shoot

Josh had his first formal photo shoot today. I took him to JC Penney Portrait Studio for his 3 month pictures. Everyone else was there dressed in little Santa outfits for their holiday pictures. Me, on a whim with a coupon said, "Josh, you can hold your head up now. Why not?" Joshua is so handsome!!!!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Rolling Over
On Friday, Josh rolled over for the first time from his stomach to his back. Tummy time has finally started to not be as big of a frustration for Joshua. In the beginning, every time we started to do tummy time, Josh would let out grunting noises. Now, tummy time is a little more tolerable. He still likes to protest from time to time, but he is accepting the fact that he needs to hang out on his stomach too. On Saturday, I tried to show Keith Josh's new accomplishment. Each time I tried to show Keith, Josh wouldn't do it or Keith would walk away right before Josh rolled over. Today, Keith saw Josh on his back and could have sworn that he placed him on his stomach at first. Finally late this afternoon, Keith saw Josh roll over. We tried to get it on the video, but Josh did not want to perform.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
3 Months
Josh is now officially 3 months old. I keep saying it, but I can't believe how fast time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant. Joshua is getting bigger every day. It is amazing to see his changes. We used to say that he is a spitting image of Keith, but now there is a lot of me in there too.
The Plane Ride Home
On the plane, I met someone else who acted like a baby is similar to the Black Plague. When I got on the plane, there was a senior citizen couple sitting in the row behind me. The old man said, "oh no" referencing Joshua. I looked at him and half jokingly said, "I hope he cries the whole time". The old man replied back, "I may cry the whole time". The next thing I know, the couple are moving their seats to the back of the plane. There was a woman who was sitting behind them with a 2 year old, and she looked at me and rolled her eyes since the old couple moved. (I laughed). I did take a little offense to the situation, but then I realized that they are just miserable old people. Who knows, a few years ago, I may have been the one to move to the back of the plane. Times change, and I am happy to be where I am today.
BTW, Joshua was an angel on the plane. :)
BTW, Joshua was an angel on the plane. :)
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Black Plague
Some people are scared of babies in public and act as if they have the Black Plague. My parents, especially my mom, are not immune. One little "eh" from Josh in public, and my mom freaks out. The first night in Florida, we went to my mom's friend's house party. My mom said, "one little peep, and you're outta there". At first, my mom was afraid to go out to dinner with him. I had to plead with her that it really was ok. At the restaurant, my mom would ask for a table in the way back far away from everyone. I did feel like I had some sort of disease. It was really annoying. The trick is to take him out right after he is fed and changed. Then, he is an angel. If he fusses at all (Joshua is a baby, and babies fuss and cry), a pacifier makes a great "mute button". By the end of the trip, I do think my parents relaxed a little bit.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Cousin Ella's Baby Naming
Keith flew to Orlando for the weekend, and Josh and I drove up from my parent's house in Juno Beach to attend our niece, Ella's, baby naming. It was nice for Josh to meet his cousins and see his Uncle Jason and Aunt Robyn. His cousin Ella is exactly 2 weeks older than Joshua. Robyn bought them matching outfits from BabyGap, and we took pictures of them together. So cute.
Josh's First Long Car Ride
Josh's first long car ride was a 2 1/2 hour trip from my parent's house to Orlando for my niece's baby naming. Well, it was supposed to take 2 1/2 hours, but it took 3 1/2 hours with Josh. He wanted to stop and take a break every hour. We were doing the trip alone as Keith was meeting us in Orlando. The car ride back was not so bad. Josh slept most of the ride, and I did not have to stop at all. The ride back did only take 2 1/2 hours. There is a nice outlet mall on the route, but I didn't want to chance it. Maybe, next time.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Joshua loves to talk. It is the cutest. He has become a real conversationalist. We talk about everything from typical things that happen in the day to sports to politics. He even likes to talk on the phone. Josh has had some nice phone conversations with dad at work and enjoys leaving voicemails for Grandmom Adele on her cell.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
That Winning Smile
The first time I saw Josh smile was around 4 weeks. I know it could have been gas, but I think it was a smile. It wasn't until Halloween day that his social smile seemed to be a regular occurance. (6 weeks). I was lucky enough to capture it on camera in his halloween costume. (See my post on 10/31).
Now, we get to see the smile every day, and it is amazing. When Josh wakes up in the morning, I walk over to him and say "Good morning, Joshy". He looks back at me with a big smile. (He definitely doesn't take after his mother in being a morning person). Yet, now each night that I go to bed, I look forward to waking up the next morning to see that winning smile once again.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I Found a Nanny
I thought it was going to take weeks and weeks and 50 interviews to find the right nanny. When I found myself rushing to check references and thinking "we need to grab her", I knew I found the one. It ended up that I only had to meet 6 people before I found her. She seems to have the experience, personality, and philosophy that I was looking for in a nanny. I feel pretty good about her. Nothing compares to me being able to stay home. However, I think Josh will be in good hands.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Sorry Bubby
The first night in Florida not only did Josh sleep through the night, but he didn't wake up until 8:30am. I guess Josh knows he is on vacation too. :)
My grandmom came over for our traditional Sunday brunch, which consists of lox and bagel. She was excited to see Josh again, and I gave her as much holding time as possible. Unfortunately, maybe it was a little too much holding time.
Babies poop. Anywhere at anytime. Babies poop. More times than not, it isn't much of a problem, even if the baby poops when sitting on your lap. Today, my my grandmom was not so lucky. Josh pooped on his Bubby Evelyn. When I say that Josh pooped on her, he really did. It was the biggest explosion ever. I have never seen him poop so much. It got all over him and grandmom. I am not sure much of it stayed in the diaper at all.
Sorry Bubby!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
On Our Way to Grandmom and Grandpop's House
Josh and I traveled tooday to Florida to visit Grandmom and Grandpop. It will be a nice visit and we will get to see his Bubby Evelyn as well. It will be the first time that my grandmother gets to meet her Great Grandson, and I know she is really excited.
As much as I was looking forward to the trip, I was not looking forward to the flight. Lugging all the stuff plus the baby was going to be a challenge. Plus, who knew how Josh was going to behave. I had 2 big suitcases plus a carry-on, boppy, baby bjorn, and the stroller. The airline let Keith come to the gate with me. Very nice of them, especially with the added security. It was a huge help as just getting through security was a challenge. I had to take the car seat out of the stroller, fold the stroller, and put the stroller and car seat on the conveyer belt while holding Josh through security. Fun Fun Fun. I brought the BabyBjorn so I could put Josh in that to carry him on the plane. Luckily, the plane wasn't 100% full so I got to bring the car seat on the plane and give Josh his own seat.
Well, the separate seat for Josh turned out to be a car seat holder, and he spent the whole plane ride on my lap. When I sat down, I layed Josh on the Boppy, put the nursing cover over me, and started to nurse him. The notion was that he would be feeding when the plane took off and would not be bothered with his ears during take off. Well, I started feeding him too soon. By the time we did take off, he was done eating and just hanging on there "grazing". Joshua ate too much. This led to lots and lots of spit up all over him and and some on me for the first half of the flight. I felt bad for Joshua and also for the man sitting on the aisle who was witnessing all of this. Since I was prepared, I had a change of clothes for him and changed him into something dry on the plane.
Josh was pretty good though. He hardly cried or fussed for the 2 1/2 hour flight. (Minus the spit up). I managed to not have to change his diaper during the flight. (There is no way I would have been able to get out of my seat). He didn't seem to complain about that either. Hopefully the man on the aisle seat didn't seem to notice Josh's baby fresh scent was not so fresh at the end of the flight. :)
On the landing, there was no way I was giving Josh more food. So, I gave him a pacifier and that did the trick as well. Josh didn't seem to complain about his ears popping.
Grandmomand Grandpop met us at baggage claim, and they were so excited to see their new grandson. I am now "second fiddle".
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