Joshua is getting big. If I wasn't pregnant, he would still be light enough to carry often, but being 25 weeks pregnant at this point, he is getting heavy. I am so glad that he can walk up and down the stairs. He doesn't always like walking up the stairs. Joshua likes to walk up a couple stairs, stop, and then lay down on the stairs. With this practice, it could take 20 minutes to just go up 1 flight of stairs. So, we have a new games. He likes to chase things up the stairs. I will throw his stuffed dow up a few stairs and he will chase after it. When he gets close, I pick up the dog and throw it a few more steps up. Joshua thinks this is funny and likes to go up the stairs after the dog. Whatever works, right?
Joshua's language is exploding. He is definitely well over 100 words and is forming 2 word sentences. We are still working on "please" and "thank you". He will say them, but only after I tell him too. He still answers every question pretty much with the word, "no". If he doesn't want to do something, and wants to have a tantrum, he will very angrily say "nite nite. Bye bye". It is pretty funny.
Joshua also graduated from the Montgomery County Infants and Toddlers program. That was pretty exciting. In January, Joshua entered the program, because he was not walking at 16 months. Of course, the day that the therapist came was when he took his first steps, go figure. (Not that not walking at 16 months is a big deal as they don't get concerned until 18 months. However, the program is there and available and our pediatrician recommended us to do it). Joshua is walking very well now and hit all his milestones for this age, so the therapist graduated him from the program.
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