Monday, June 8, 2009

First Scraped Knee

How Joshua went almost 21 months without a scraped knee is amazing. I am sure you are thinking that is impossible and we must keep him in a bubble, but he just hasn't had a scraped knee before. It might have to do with his walking. Joshua was a late walker. He didn't walk until he was almost 17 months old. So, when he did start walking, he was a little more careful than others. You hear about babies that start walking at 9 months. They are the reckless ones that, like Nike says "just do it". These babies do anyhting, they fall, run away, etc... Joshua is more mechanical in his thought. He always wants to know how things work. So, maybe that has to do with him being a better walker now. Joshua didn't seem to fuss too much when got got hurt. He likes to point at his knee and show me his "boo boo".

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