Sunday, November 30, 2008

Down the Stairs

Over the past 2 weeks, Joshua has learned how to go down the stairs. (He mastered up the stairs several weeks ago). He knows that if he wants to go down the stairs, he needs to turn around so that he slides down feet first. He has also learned that this is the same way to get off the bed, off the sofa and off of chairs. (So, now I have a little less nervousness about him falling off the bed). When my brother-in-law and his family were in town, we had formal family pictures taken at Brookside Gardens. (-t is an indoor gardeb and they have an outdoor arboretum as well). The photographer was taking pictures of Joshua climbing across a small bridge. On the bridge, there was an incline. When Joshua felt that he was starting to go "down hill", he turned himself around and started to slide down feet first. How smart!

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