Wednesday, July 16, 2008

10 Months

10 Months. Finally finally finally hearing "Ma ma". It only took 5 months of "da da" to finally get it out. He is also making a lot more different sounds. Joshua is getting better and better at crawling and getting up on all 4s a little better, although he still prefers the commando crawl. Joshua is pulling up on just about everything, and feels pretty sturdy standing on his knees. He is now starting to sit up on his own from being on his tummy. He continues to try news foods every few weeks, and we are working on more finger foods. He is still a "mellow" baby and an absolute pleasure. His sleep schedule is that he will wake up at 6:30am, then go back to sleep until 9am, he will take a nap at 11:30am and another nap at 4:30pm and then goes to sleep at 8pm and doesn't wake up until morning. Joshua loves music and any toy that makes noise. He is currently enrolled in a music class and loves it. He is also taking a swimming class and loves the water. Joshua is still facinated with himself in the mirror, and if you ever want to get him to smile, just hold him up to the mirror. He is starting to wave, and I am trying to teach him how to blow kisses.

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