Thursday, July 31, 2008

Joshua's Wicked Laugh

Over the past week, Joshua has picked up a new laugh. It is not this cute, joyous baby laugh. It is an evil mischievious laugh - like the one the bad guy makes in a movie after he tricks the good guy. We are not sure how he picked up the laugh, but it is quite funny. (I egged him on in the second video). He is laughing a lot lately with a lot of different types of laughs. It is really cute!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Our Future Rock Star

Whenever Joshua is in his playroom, he always goes straight for his guitar. This is not just any guitar. It is a very special "Wiggles" guitar. "Yummy yummy yummy yummy fruit salad. Fruit salad, yummy yummy. Fruit salad, yummy yummy". He rolls around the floor and pushes the different buttons to hear the different tunes. "Go Captain Go. Ahoy there. Go Captain Go".

Friday, July 18, 2008

Finger Foods

Joshua loves those Cheerios. Any time you ask him if he wants to eat Cheerios, his face lights up. He has gotten good at putting them in his mouth by himself. It is funny to watch him feed himself as he often uses his whole hand or misses and the Cheerio lands on his face or bib somewhere.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

10 Months

10 Months. Finally finally finally hearing "Ma ma". It only took 5 months of "da da" to finally get it out. He is also making a lot more different sounds. Joshua is getting better and better at crawling and getting up on all 4s a little better, although he still prefers the commando crawl. Joshua is pulling up on just about everything, and feels pretty sturdy standing on his knees. He is now starting to sit up on his own from being on his tummy. He continues to try news foods every few weeks, and we are working on more finger foods. He is still a "mellow" baby and an absolute pleasure. His sleep schedule is that he will wake up at 6:30am, then go back to sleep until 9am, he will take a nap at 11:30am and another nap at 4:30pm and then goes to sleep at 8pm and doesn't wake up until morning. Joshua loves music and any toy that makes noise. He is currently enrolled in a music class and loves it. He is also taking a swimming class and loves the water. Joshua is still facinated with himself in the mirror, and if you ever want to get him to smile, just hold him up to the mirror. He is starting to wave, and I am trying to teach him how to blow kisses.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Brusha Brusha Brusha

Joshua has 2 teeth now - bottom middle teeth. As the teeth were coming in, we started to brush his teeth with his little toothbrush. Josh wanted nothing to do with the toothbrush. In fact, his stubborn side would come out, and he would purse his lips together, so that I could not get the toothbrush in there. It isn't even a big toothbrush. It is a special infant toothbrush. The pediatrician suggested that I just use a washcloth for now to "wash" his teeth. Today, out of nowhere, he grabbed the toothbrush and put it to his mouth and began brushing his teeth. I then took the toothbrush and put it to his mouth, and he opened his mouth and let me brush his teeth. After, I said to Joshua, "brush your teeth". He took the toothbrush to his mouth and brushed his teeth. He is so smart. :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


We went out to dinner on Saturday night and for some reason decided to give Josh a lemon. Of course, we expected a sour puss face. I remember the story my mom has told me many times that my grandfather gave me a lemon when I was 6 months old. I was all excited to get the lemon and put it in my mouth. Then, when I put the lemon to my face, I made a big "yucky" face. Expecting the same cute reaction from Josh, we gave him a lemon. He was all excited to grab this yellow wedge. He put it to his mouth and chewed on the rind. No reaction. We turned it around so he could suck on the juice, and HE LOVED IT! We pulled the lemon away after a quick bite and he leaned his head in and opened his mouth because he wanted more!

We also didn't bring his sippy cup to the restaurant, and the server gave us a kiddie cup and straw. Joshua has never drank from a straw before. I didn't expect him to know what to do with the straw, but I figured that it cou;dn't hurt. So, I put the straw to my mouth, sucked on it and let the water come up the straw. I then gave the straw to Josh, and he sipped through the straw. It was so cute. The next morning at brunch, I tried a straw again, and he drank from a straw again. This simple thing just amazed me.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Pulling Up

Now that Joshua has mastered crawling, he wants to pull up on everything.

His toy...

The sofa...

His crib...

His frog humidifier...

Next up, standing.... STAY TUNED

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July!!! Josh got all dressed patriotic in red, white, and blue. We took a walk to our neighborhood carnival and Josh had his picture taken for the "Town Courier". Unfortunately, his celebration ended there. No fireworks for Josh this year, because
A. Past his bedtime
B. The "Boom" would scare him.

Maybe next year.

Happy Birthday America!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Doggie

What is the best thing about coming home from work each night? Seeing Josh, of course! Having Josh give me a big smile when he sees me at the end of a long day is precious. Having Josh crawl quickly across the room to come over to me to greet me as I come up the stairs is priceless!