Friday, May 2, 2008

Bye, Bye Paci

Bye Bye Joshy soother
Bye Bye "mute button"
The pacifier is officially gone.... (At least, I think so)

The pacifier worked great when he was real little. Whenever he was fussy, if we put the pacifier in his mouth, he would immediately suck on it and calm down. The look on Josh's face when we gave him the pacifier was as if we were giving him a calming drug. Many times the pacifier even calmed Mommy down. It eliminated people saying, "newborn cries are so cute". (Really, they were being sarcastic). It also got rid of the people at the store or restaurant saying under their breath, "shut that baby up".

The other day, Josh was being a little cranky in Wholefoods. Shame on Mommy for keeping him out past naptime. So, I gave him a pacifier to soothe him while I finished picking up some things. Josh pulled the pacifier out of his mouth, held it in his hand, and looked at me with this face that said, "Mom, what do you think this really is going to do. You don't fool me".

Yes, the day has come that we are saying goodbye to the pacifier. How much longer before we can say goodbye to diapers too?

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