Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Josh's Friend From London

It was such a great surprise when I got a phone call from my friend, Jen, in London that she is thinking about coming to DC "tomorrow". Her husband had a work trip in DC, so she was trying to see if she could come as well with her 19 month old son and make a "holiday" out of the work trip. "Please come, please come, please come". I hadn't seen her since my bridal shower when her son was in her belly. Jen is a very good friend of mine from college. It was the biggest surprise to have everything work out like that in such a short amount of time, but it was great. They came and stayed for a week in DC and it was so nice to see them. Erin is good friends with them as well, so they 3 of us really had a great time with our little ones. Josh made a nice friend, yet it will be better when they are older and can really play together. A 13 month different is not big in the grand scheme of things, but at this age, it makes a world of difference. After they left, Josh asked me "when can we go to London to see Stuart"?

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