Saturday, March 29, 2008
Josh Sits All By Himself
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Josh's Friend From London
It was such a great surprise when I got a phone call from my friend, Jen, in London that she is thinking about coming to DC "tomorrow". Her husband had a work trip in DC, so she was trying to see if she could come as well with her 19 month old son and make a "holiday" out of the work trip. "Please come, please come, please come". I hadn't seen her since my bridal shower when her son was in her belly. Jen is a very good friend of mine from college. It was the biggest surprise to have everything work out like that in such a short amount of time, but it was great. They came and stayed for a week in DC and it was so nice to see them. Erin is good friends with them as well, so they 3 of us really had a great time with our little ones. Josh made a nice friend, yet it will be better when they are older and can really play together. A 13 month different is not big in the grand scheme of things, but at this age, it makes a world of difference. After they left, Josh asked me "when can we go to London to see Stuart"?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
6 Months
Here are some pictures of Josh at 6 months. I had been good about posting new pictures on the 11th of each month for his monthly milestones, but as each month goes by, we get busier and busier. Therefore, unfortunately the posts get a little less frequent.
There are probably some posts you may want to go back and view as a few of them were not posted in the best order.
At 6 months, Josh is all smiles. He is really a happy baby and seems pretty content most of the time. He sleeps through the night, yet still gives his Grandmom a few challenges at times with daytime naps. He started solids (rice cereal) about a week ago, and this weekend we start on carrots. Joshua is also starting to sit all by himself unsupported, and that is really exciting. He continues to say "Dada" and a bunch of other babbles which are so so cute. We are still trying for "Mama" but that hasn't happened yet. Joshua has many different looks and changes every day. Sometimes, he seems to look like Daddy and other times he resembles Mommy. As you can see by the pictures, his eyes are still bright blue, and they will stay blue like Mommy and Grandmom Adele. He rolls from his belly to his back, and a few times he has rolled from his back to his belly. Joshua had his 6 month checkup last week, and I am happy to report that he is a nice healthy boy. He is currently between 25-50% in height and 3% in weight (13 lbs 14 oz). The doctor didn't seem concerned at Josh's weight based on my size and Keith's size.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Josh's First Taste of Solids
6 months old and Josh is now ready for solids. Rice cereal is the first food to try. I am not exactly sure how "solid" it really is. 3 parts breastmilk to 1 part rice cereal. It was very soupy, more like broth. Day 1, Josh had more of the cereal on his bib than in his mouth. But, our son is a champ and did well.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My Hands
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Day I thought I Would Hate...
Just when you get your child on a schedule, Daylight Savings Time comes and smacks you in the ass and screws everything up. At least that is what I planned on writing about with this blog. I heard about the horror stories about how just one hour difference can screw up your whole child's sleep schedule for awhile. I was anticipating the worst. On early Sunday morning, the clocks were set to "spring" forward. Josh woke up around 6am at his regular time, and get this - he then let Mommy and Daddy sleep until 10am!!!!! It was the most beautiful gift he could have given us. He also went to sleep last night without a problem and woke up this morning at his normal time with a smile on his face. Thank you Lord!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
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