Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bumbo....Bumbling Idiot

The Bumbo Seat was a pretty good invention, I believe. It enables a baby to sit up unsupported prior to them being able to do it on their own. (Look at Joshua - 3 1/2 months and sitting on his own). Once they can sit on their own, the Bumbo Seat is a good little chair contoured for their body. Pediatricians have even recommended the seat to help babies strengthen their back and neck muscles.
However, in the fall, the Bumbo Seat was recalled for a short period of time. Apparently, children were falling out of the seat and hitting their head. These parents of injured babies were leaving the child unattended and also placing the Bumbo Seat on tables, chairs, sofas, or other elevated surfaces. (Notice Josh modeling the proper way to use the Bumbo Seat). Those parents get my Bumbo Bumbling Idiot Award.
While raising Josh, I will make mistakes and I may not make all the right choices regarding childrearing. However, I hope I have enough brains and common sense to do the right thing when it really matters.

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