Thursday, October 11, 2007

One Month Today

I can't believe it has been a whole month since Josh has been born. Happy Birthday Joshua! Time has flown, and my little boy is getting so big. He is now 7 lbs 6 oz and 20 1/2 inches. In 2 weeks, he has gained 1 lb 3 oz. My boy likes to eat. He went to the doctor, and they said it is time to start tummy time. Josh is so wiggly and is always moving his head that I don't think this will be too bad for him. For the most part, Joshua is still feeding on his own schedule every 2-4 hours. At night, Joshua's feeding schedule is at 10pm (sometimes 11pm) and then sometmay not wake up until 4am. (5 hours). According to the medical definition, that is sleeping through the night - 5 hours. I am not sure who considers waking up at 4am as sleeping through the night. Certainly not me. 4am nursing is still what I call my comatose feeding. Today, Josh rolled over for the first time from his stomach to his back. That was very exciting. Josh is starting to look bigger to me. He is finally fitting into his newborn clothes and in another 2 weeks or so, he will probably have graduated to 0-3 months clothes. Joshua is so beautiful. (He really is. I am not just saying that as the Mommy). It is still sureal when I hold him and think to myself, "This is my child". I can't get enough of him. He is so precious.

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