Monday, September 24, 2007

The Bris

September 19, 2007

Joshua's Bris occurred on his 8th day of life as required by Jewish law.

"The first mitzvah experienced by the newborn boy is his Bris Milah, the ritual circumcision. It is through this highly significant ceremony that the child enters into the Covenant of our forefather Abraham and is given his Hebrew name, cementing an irrevocable bond between him and his Jewish soul".

You would think that I would be squeemish watching my son get circumcised. Yet, for some reason, I was really ok. Maybe because our Mohel was great. (A board certified pediatric surgeon and very calming personally). Maybe it was because we had our close family and friends there. I am not sure. However, I was quite calm during the ceremony. So was Keith. Josh did great as well. He took it like a man and didn't even cry!!! (That could have been due to the anaesthesia and wine he had). Keith's brother, Jason, warned us that Josh was going to scream. Yet, Josh was very brave. The ceremony was really nice and Joshua received his hebrew name - Baruch Yisrael. (Blessed Israel).

It was really nice for Keith and I to both have our brothers, Rob and Jason, fly in for the occassion. We know they were really excited to become uncles and meet their new nephew. Although the visit was short, it was really special to have them there.

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