Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Blog
When Joshua was first born, I started this blog to discuss his milestones and what was going on being a first time mom. Sometimes, it was easy to put my thoughts to paper - um, I mean computer. Sometimes, time escaped me and it would be weeks before I got caught up on Joshua's latest adventures (or mine). When I got pregnant with baby #2, I started a blog and blogged weekly on what was happening with the pregnancy this time around. ( Now that the second baby is here, I am starting a new blog that will discuss "Chaos Times Two". ( I hope you will enjoy this new adventure my family is embarking on and follow me over to the new blog.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sister's Room and Becoming a Big Brother
Our second baby is going to be a girl, and in just a few short days, Joshua is going to be a big brother. His world is going to turn upside down, and Joshua doesn't really know what he is in for at this time. He is 2 and knows about babies, but he doesn't understand about the baby in Mommy's belly. He also knows that the room next to his room is his sister's room. Every night when he comes upstairs to get ready for bed, he says "sister's room, sister's room" opens the door and walks in. He loves being in his sister's room, but he doesn't know what that means. Soon, he will really find out. We wanted to prepare him as much as we could, but since he is so young, he really doesn't understand. Once we come home with the baby, we will make a big deal out of Joshua becoming a big brother and how exciting it will be for him. We know that there are some struggles ahead but anything we can do to help him with the transition, we will do.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Two Year Pictures
Sunday, October 4, 2009
First Haircut
We took Joshua to Cartoon Cuts for his first haircut experience. The woman set him up on the bench and went to strap him down, and that is when Joshua freaked out. Scissors were no where in sight. Therefore, Joshua sat on Keith's lap the whole time for the haircut. He squirmed a bit and didn't really like it. Hopefully, he will settle down as he gets more used to haircuts.
The end result of Joshua's haircut - a baby who magically turned into a little boy. It is amazing how one little haircut made Joshua transform into a little boy. He is no longer a baby. :(
Saturday, September 19, 2009
2nd Birthday Party
We had Joshua's 2nd birthday party on Sunday September 13th. It was located at MyGym in Potomac, MD. It took us awhile to figure out where we were going to have the big event. In the end, we decided that we wanted to do something fun for the little ones and something that was going to be no work for me. As Joshua turns 2, I am at 34 weeks pregnant. The last thing I want to do is run around preparing for a party, setting it up, hosting it, and cleaning up. At MyGym, they do everything from start to finish. It was perfect. Joshua had a blast and everyone else seemed to have a good time as well.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
2nd Birthday_September 11, 2009
I can't believe my baby is 2. It is unbelievable to think how fast time has flown by. Joshua has grown so much in 2 years. He is now walking and running and his vocabulary has grown as well. Every day I am amazed at the new words he can say. He is also forming short sentences and can repeat most anything. That means, it is really time to watch what you say in front of him. Remember "Meet the Fockers?" The little nephew's first word was "Asshole". We'll try to stay away from that if we can.
On his birthday, I took him to McDonalds for his first Happy Meal. (I think it was probably an excuse for me to eat at Mickey Ds). Of course, he loved the french fries. Grandmom and Grandpop Uhr arrived that night, and we had cupcakes to celebrate Josh's birthday. He was really excited to blow out the candles, and he knows on your birthday you eat cake and blow out the candles. He also knows that he is turning 2.
Monday, September 14, 2009
We've Got a Runner
Yes, I am one of those Moms. The one who is always chasing after their child. It is so annoying. Add to the fact that I am 8 mmonths pregnant and it makes it that much worse. I can't take Joshua out of the stroller or walk with him and say, "stand here". He won't just stand next to me. He will run away and then it is always me chasing after him. I am wondering how long this phas will last.
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